Money Overseas

Learn Safe and Smart ways to use and get money overseas.

Did you know there are only two ATM networks that work worldwide?  And most American credit cards from big banks do not work in Europe at gas stations and train stations.

I have run into travelers who did not know this.  I remember one distraught traveler in Bangkok who planned on using her ATM card to fund her entire trip – only to find out once she arrived, that her ATM card wasn’t on the right network and could not get cash at all.

The following videos show you how to be a smart and traveler when it comes to money.  Topics like: where to get money, should you use a money changer, how to find a safe ATM machine, and so much more.

Money Overseas Videos - click to start

For access to these videos, contact your Travel Advisor or Tour Operator

Your International Travel Coach, Shyla Esko Bare, traveled the world for seven years and has been to seventy-five countries.  She has been teaching classes on travel for the last five years in the Pacific Northwest.  Her favorite classes to teach are “Women’s Travel Secrets Abroad”, and “International Planning: What to Know Before You Go”.

Fun fact: At age 20, her first international trip was a one-month trip to Australia by herself.  Having so much fun, she extended her trip to six months – completely freaking out her parents.